Grant Writing & Funding Application Assistance

Our team stays up to date on the grant and funding opportunities available to communities in NYS. Let us navigate the application process and you help to understand what is required.


Scope. Plan. Prepare.

We understand the grant and funding requirements so we will come on-site & work with your community to determine the best approach moving forward.

We will then provide a conceptual design, description, cost estimates, etc. Whatever is required of the application - we can help!

Finally, we prepare the application on behalf of your community. You can be confident that we will have all the requirements ready well before the submission deadline!

Village of Sherman Awarded Big!

The Village of Sherman was awarded $217,200 in rebates from NYS through the Municipal Zero-emission Vehicle (ZEV) Infrastructure Grant Program when they submitted their project for two new electrical vehicle charging stations!

The Village of Sherman was just the beginning! e&b has also secured EV grant funding for the Town of Salina, the Village of South Dayton, and the Village of Medina, totaling over $870,000 in awards!